Pep Coaching Launch - Welcome to Pep!

Rhett22 May, 2012

Welcome to the launch of Pep Coaching.

At Pep, the mission is to bring a new clarity and attitude to the worlds of coaching, personal development and leadership training.

Pep is about:

  • Straight Talking  (no bullshit)
  • Plain English  (no jargon)
  • Scientific Rigor  (empirical research backed where possible)
  • Curiosity & Openness (a spirit of exploration)
  • A Sense of Humour (aka fun)

The world is full of poorly articulated, vague, anecdotal, pseudo-scientific personal development advice, and Pep wants to change this. If anyone needs any clarification of any points on this website, or spots any jargon, we value feedback, so please contact us.

There can sometimes be a stigma associated with the idea of personal development, whereas the truth is that those who pay attention to their psychological and emotional health and fitness, are likely to be more successful, happy and flourishing, and this website will aim to articulate this point. Pep’s aim is to integrate coaching skills and techniques, with the latest research on wellbeing and happiness.

Pep Coaching is concerned with helping you design practical strategies for self-management in your life, including developing a stronger sense of personal identity, building emotional resilience and intelligence, being better able to manage stress (which in itself will have a positive impact on your physical health), and improving communication skills that will impact all of your personal and working relationships.

This blog will tell everyday stories relevant to coaching and personal development, and explore the wellbeing & happiness research, for insights which can be practically useful for any of us in our lives and work.

Be the best you!

Rhett Griffiths